Alumni Association of University of Moratuwa

Registration of Chapters and Clubs

The executive council of the Alumni Association of University of Moratuwa (UoM Alumni) at its regular meeting held on 27th June 2016 has resolved following with regard to formation of regional chapters and clubs of the association under Article VIII of Constitution of Alumni Association of the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.

Minimum of 25 members of UoM Alumni may collectively apply to register a regional chapter or a club.

All members of a chapter/club shall only be members of UoM Alumni. Thus, the membership criteria of chapter/club shall be aligned with that of UoM Alumni.

Chapter/Club objectives must not contradict those of UoM Alumni.

Scope of the club shall be clearly defined; e.g. graduates of particular degree/department. A Regional Chapters is identified by its geographical boundary to include UoM Alumni members both residing and/or working in the region.

Affiliation of a Member to a chapter/club is a choice to a UoM Alumni member, and is not compulsory.

Chapter/Club registration is annual with a nominal subscription fee. Fee will be decided by the executive council of UoM Alumni. Renewal is subjected to submission of an annual report.

A chapter will be known by the name of region (e.g. University of Moratuwa Alumni Association, Qatar Chapter / UoM Alumni Qatar). A club shall have appropriate identity to represent its scope (e.g. University of Moratuwa Electrical Engineering Alumni Association / UMEE Alumni ).

Regional clubs are not registered under UoM Aumni. However, a registered club of UoM Alumni can register regional chapters under them, provided that all members of them are members of UoM Alumni.

A chapter/club may have its own logo. It may use the standard image provided by UoM Alumni “A registered chapter/club of University of Moratuwa Alumni Association” in its official documents and publicity materials.

Chapters/Clubs shall not operate in collaboration with other parties solely under chapter/club name. Such activities shall be identified as collaborations with other parties and must be clearly shown in all publicity materials, reports, etc.

A chapter/club may act independently and be responsible for its acts, and shall not jeopardise the good name of University of Moratuwa by any of its acts.

The purpose of formation of clubs and regional chapters is the active and effective engagement of alumni of University of Moratuwa. Therefore, clubs and regional chapters are expected to corporate with UoM Alumni and support its activities.


Appendix A: Application for Registration of Club/Regional Chapter

Appendix B: Guide for preparation of Annual Report

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